Atlanta Hawks pro No. 1) Getting something back for John Collins
When an NBA team invests four years into a player they want to have some return on their investment. While this sounds a little cut and dry, the NBA is a business after all. They want to win a championship and the players are the capital they use to make this happen.
As they do not have any guarantee that Collins will return to the fold next year, they need to trade him to a team and get something back for him. Due to no one ruling out the two parties being to resolve their differences before the year is out, the Hawks still have some trading capital when it comes to moving Collins.
For this team to start to contend for playoffs, they need Collins or someone who will be able to provide production at a similar level to the four-year man out of Wake Forest. They will also need them to be happy with being in an offense that is controlled by Young.
Atlanta Hawks pro No. 2) Keeping team harmony.
At the moment there appears to be no damage to the chemistry of the team despite Collins and Young disagreeing on how the offense should be run. However, if the year goes on and the Hawks are not winning, then these competitive personalities may start to clash more.
If the Hawks are able to find a trade partner who will give them the desired assets before this happens then that will benefit the team culture. It may not come to this but sometimes it is best not to take that chance.